
38 Instant Ramen Hacks To Upgrade Your Next Meal

Step up your Top Ramen game.

But sometimes, you need to jazz them up with a little something extra — an egg, some peanut butter, or even a punch of powerful kimchi. It's time to spice up your instant ramen game with these easy hacks. Spicy Chili Noodles

38 Instant Ramen Hacks To Upgrade Your Next Meal

By beating eggs in a small bowl, and adding them to your broth (and giving it a good swirl) the eggs curdle to create an eggy, protein-based broth.

By adding extra veggies, not only will your broth be tastier, but you'll have more fiber and a heart, filling meal.

You can find the recipe to make this Japanese soft-boiled egg, known for its jammy yolk and umami flavor, here. 

The flavor packet is delicious, but a little bit unhealthy (you know it, I know it, we all know it — it's the sodium), so swap it for a scoop of miso paste – which is less unhealthy but just as delicious. Or hey, screw it, you could just have BOTH.

A little coconut milk will make a wonderfully creamy soup! Or you can go the whole hog and make Thai coconut chicken ramen. Recipe here.

38 Instant Ramen Hacks To Upgrade Your Next Meal

Vermicelli Sesame is god's gift to food. Drizzle some sesame oil on your ramen, and sprinkle sesame seeds on top to instantly make it taste 100x better.